HiClass scope with swift and Xcode now became little confusing for me, for classes we dont use the words private and purblic whenwe define them anymore so my question is how to predict its scope, for example the ViewController file we add is it public for all theapplication ? and if I define a class inside it will it be public by default to all the application ?What if we define a class in its own file ? will it be public ? and is it better to define a class in its own file or inside a view controller ?--Kindest Regards
HiPosts on Apple Developers Forum can be deleted or not ?--Kindest Regards
HiBefore there was an assestant editor which a nice quick way to open the ViewControler.Swift of a user interface view controller andstart wiring things, now I dont see it in Xcode 11.2.1 ?Kindest Regards
What does the levels and points means in developer forums and how they are usuful ? and answering on a question how many points give to the correct answer person ?--Kindest Regards
HiI have a macOS application with swift 3.x and I want to migrate it to Swift 5 with Xcode 11.2.1 but I get a window, but when I select the application icon in the navigator then I go to Edit -> Convert -> To Current Swift Syntex I get a window saying "no target to convert found" what does that means ? what Im doing wrong ?--Kindest Regards
HiWhats rocemmended for macOS and iOS Apps to use one story board or multi storyboards ?Kindest Regards
HiWhen adding new file to a macOS project theres a MainMenu option, whats the use of it ? I mean each project have its pre mad Main Menu so whats the use of this item and how to use it if requiered ?Kindest Regards
HiI have window1 and window2 in the main storyboard and window3 in a different storyboard, and I added button1 and button2on wibdow1, what code to write in the buttons actions to show window2 and window3 ? I want to know by code nit by optiondragining way.Kindest Regards
HiIm working on a macOS app so suppoe I have a control such as label or button, I know to to capture its click event by actionsand dragining to the VC, but how to capture other events such as mouse hover or right click ?Kindest Regards
HiIs it possible to zoom in and out when showing storboard ? cant see anything that helps in the view menu.Kindest Regards
HiI created a new project for macOS I added methods to the default View Controller and it shows fine in the list that apears when control draging from a menu item to the responder, my question is how to link a menu item to a method in the second window View Controller ? cause theydont apear in the list when Control Draging from menu item to reponder ?Kindest Regards
HiI have Catalina OS and Xcode 11.1 when creating new project I see the types iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS so shouldnt I seeipadOS as well or im missing something ?Kindest Regards